Brian Blood
1st Place
Painting: "Foggy Morning"
Bryan Taylor
2nd Place

Painting: "View From The High Road"
Paul Kratter
3rd Place

Painting: "Windy Dune"
Michael Situ
Artists' Choice

Painting: "Evening Light - Monterey Harbor"
Kevin Courter
People's Choice
(Poster for 2010 Carmel Art Festival)
& received Jennifer Hill Award of Merit

Painting: "Afternoon At Rocky Point"
Laurie Kersey
Best Local

Painting: "Valley Overlook"
Terri Ford
Best Pastel

Painting: "Morning Fog"
Roianne Hart
Best Watercolorist

Painting: "Pescadera Point"
Larry Moore
Best of Oil or Acrylic
Painting: "California Cypress"
Kim Lordier
Mayor's Choice

Painting: "Windswept"
Bryan Taylor
Receives "Emerging Artist Award"
from Eric Rhoads, Publisher of
Fine Art Connoisseur Magazine

Painting: "View From The High Road"
Sterling Hoffman
"Quick Draw" Winner

Honorable Mentions
Michael Bagdonas

Painting: "Foggy May Morning"
Debra Groesser

Painting: "Whaler's Cove Solitude"
Sterling Hoffman

Painting: "Foggy Cypress"
Kim Lordier

Painting: "Carmel River Dunes"
Michael Obermeyer

Painting: "One More Look "
Robin Purcell

Painting: "Top Of The World,Carmel Valley"
William Rogers

Painting: "Grey Day, Sand Hill Cove"
Stephen Sanfilippo

Painting: "Dancing Sycamores"
Donald Sondag

Painting: "Big Sur Early Morning"
Bryan Taylor

Painting: "Among The Strawberry Fields"